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The Process to Purchase your LSA Uniforms



Enroll For the season of your choice to participate. Register online or in person. You can't purchase the uniforms without registering first.  


You should recieved an email

from If you have not received an email with your link, simply click on the link below. Then, please find the team and the player


Select Mandatory Items and Purchase the uniforms

You are required to purchase the following mandatory uniform items: (Competitive)

  1. Home Jersey

  2. Away Jersey

  3. Red Practice Jersey

  4. Yellow Practice Jersey

  5. Grey Game Shorts

  6. Grey Game Socks

Optional items include pants, a jacket, and a backpack.


Delivery Time

It typically requires a duration of 3 to 4 weeks for the uniforms to be delivered following the time of purchase 


Need help?

If you have issues or need help please click the link below


Select Mandatory Items and Purchase the uniforms

You are required to purchase the following mandatory uniform items: (rec)

  1. Home Jersey

  2. Away Jersey

  3. Grey Game Shorts

  4. Grey Game Socks

Optional items include pants, a jacket, and a backpack.

How to Purchase the Uniforms Using your Phone and/or your laptop

We strongly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer to purchase your uniforms.

Type player’s name.png
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